Our TopHealth animal products offer affordable solutions for improved immunity & general health, lower feed conversion ratio and reduced need for antibiotics.

What we do

1. We grow and harvest seaweed

Our animal products are based on uniquely selected blends of brown, green and red seaweed

2: We create seaweed based solutions

We offer optimal feed solutions (GMP+ certified) that satisfy the nutritional requirements for each specific animal specie. 100% natural, no additives

3: We deliver value and impact with our seaweed solutions

We offer a proven sustainable solution, contributing to animal health and reducing the environmental footprint. Our case studies have proven significant results in growth, health, quality and animal welfare. And luckily, the animals like our flavour too!

Case studies

More background on our products and case studies

Broilers results

At a Dutch commercial farm under field conditions in 2 barns of 34,000 broiler chicks (Ross 308) each for the duration of 6-7 weeks.  0.3% inclusion rate.

- Lower feed conversion ratio
- Reduced need for antibiotics
- Reduction in mortality and morbidity
- Lower stress levels
- Better plumage
Swine results

At a Belgian commercial farm under field conditions in 2 barns of 1,200post-weaning piglets each. 0.7% inclusion rate.

- Lower feed intake in 1st 10 days
- Improved intestine and gut health
- No antibiotics needed
- Increased immunity
- Premium quality meat

Dairy results

At an Irish commercial farm under field conditions in 2 barns of 10 dairy cows. 70g inclusion rate. We also conduct trials in The Netherlands.

We are committed to make a difference in dairy cows' health and wellbeing and reducing the effects of farming on the environment, whilst improving performance.

Team Involved

Sanne Jansen

Dr. Stefan Kraan

Ingrid Jonker